Tag Archives: florida divorce lawyer
Are Cars Part of the Property Split in Divorce?
When it comes to dividing property, the rule in Florida is to be as even as possible. Once all separate property items (gifts, inheritances, and most possessions owned before the marriage) are taken out of the equation, whatever remains (community property) will be divvied up fairly and usually equally. There’s a bit of wiggle… Read More »
Reasonable Time Sharing Setup in Florida
Time sharing after a divorce in Florida In the state of Florida, child custody and visitation is referred to as time-sharing. The courts believe that it is usually in the best interest of the child to have equal time-sharing schedules, and you should have a plan that shows when your child spends time with… Read More »
How Courts Calculate Child Support
In a divorce that involves children, child support is almost unavoidable. One parent will almost always be required to make payments to the other parent in order to help support their child. But many people going through a divorce don’t understand how the amount of child support is calculated and determined. If you’re going… Read More »
Choosing an Aggressive Custody Lawyer
Legal battles over children are never easy. Acting in the best interest of the child is always the first priority. But how do you decide if you need an aggressive custody lawyer? The answer usually lies in your situation and can usually be answered easily. But there are a few things you should consider… Read More »