What Is a Reasonable Time Sharing Plan?
Time sharing after a divorce in Florida
In the state of Florida, child custody and visitation is referred to as time-sharing. The courts believe that it is usually always in the best interest of the child to have equal time-sharing schedules, and you should have a plan that shows when your child spends time with each parent.
Creating a time-sharing schedule
Your time-sharing schedule should include:
- An everyday schedule that shows when the child is with each parent on weekdays and on weekends
- A holiday schedule that shows which parent the child is with for holidays
- A summer break schedule that shows when the child is with each parent during summer break
Other things to consider as you make your schedule:
- Florida courts encourage parents to work together to make a schedule they both like
- Your schedule should give your child frequent and consistent contact with both parents
- Your child’s age usually determines how long and how frequent visits are
- Usually all the children in a family stay together for time-sharing
- If parents are not able to agree on a schedule, the court will establish the schedule
Having the courts establish a time-sharing schedule

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Courts in most counties in Florida follow similar guidelines when setting up a time-sharing schedule. For the everyday schedule for children 3 and over, there will be one residential parent, usually the one who lives near the child’s school, and one nonresidential parent. The child visits the non-residential parent:
- One evening during the week after school or work to 8:30 pm
- Every other weekend from Friday after school or work to Sunday evening at 6:00 pm or Monday morning when school starts
- If the child has school off on the Friday before the non-residential parent’s weekend, the weekend time starts on Thursday.
- If child has school off on the Monday after the non-residential parent’s weekend, the weekend ends on Monday evening or Tuesday morning when school starts.
Parents will also alternate holidays and share the child’s summer break evenly.