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Category Archives: Collaborative Divorce

Can a Child Testify in Divorce Court?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

If you’ve experienced the unfortunate situation of divorce, you know the many difficult stages to the court case there are. Besides the pain of the actual relationship separation, there also has to be a decision on property division and most difficult of all, child custody. If you are currently entering or involved in a… Read More »

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Why You Need a Parenting Plan

By DeVoe Law Firm |

In any divorce case where minor children are involved, Florida’s priority is always the children. In Florida, it is the right of all children to receive support from both parents, financial and other, until the age of 18. That being said, when parents are separating, the state requires a parenting plan when time-sharing of… Read More »

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Fighting Won’t Solve Divorce Problems

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Nobody likes the idea of a contentious divorce. The drama and struggles of the process may make for interesting TV shows and movies, but when facing the reality of putting their family through the wringer, as it were, many people find themselves searching for alternatives. Luckily, one such alternative is growing ever more popular,… Read More »

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Divorce Mediation vs Litigation in Florida

By DeVoe Law Firm |

For most people, divorce is a four-letter-word. Hearing it brings to mind mental images of arguments at an attorney’s office, fights over property division, and battles in front of a judge for child custody. The truth, however, is that divorces do not have to turn out that way, and in fact, it is better… Read More »

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