Category Archives: Injunctions
DCF Dismissal if Criminal Case Is Dropped?
No, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) is not required to dismiss your dependency case just because the associated criminal case is dismissed. DCF operates independently from the criminal justice system. It has different goals, is subject to different laws with different legal requirements, and applies a different standard of proof. While criminal… Read More »
Where to Find Florida DCF Records
DCF child abuse records are confidential and exempt from public records requests, except as provided by statute. Florida Statute §39.202, allows the person having legal custody of the child (or the young adult who was in DCF’s custody) to obtain DCF records. Florida Statute §39.202(7)(a) generally requires DCF to keep records of its cases… Read More »
How to Obtain an Injunction in Florida
An injunction, also known as a restraining order, is a court ordered document that legally orders an abuser to stop doing certain acts. People who are victims of domestic violence can obtain an injunction in Florida, ordering their abuser to move out of their shared home and making it illegally to contact or come… Read More »
Reasons for Injunctions in Florida
An injunction is basically a restraining order, which demands that the person who the order was filed against stays away from the person who filed the order. Violating one of these civil injunction is a crime and those who violate them are subject to criminal penalties, including jail. In the state of Florida, victims… Read More »
Parents Using Bullying Injunctions
One of the most heartbreaking moments of parenthood is learning that your child is being targeted by a bully. With the widespread use of social media and other online communication, many kids and teens today are exposed to a new breed of bully: the cyberbully. Now, more and more parents are taking a stand… Read More »