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Category Archives: Collaborative Divorce

Florida Politician Charlie Crist Divorces

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Florida Representative and former state governor Charlie Crist and his wife and political adviser, Carole, have announced they are seeking a divorce. This was the second marriage for both. “It just didn’t work out for us,” Crist told the Tampa Bay Times. “I wish all … the best for her.” The divorce petition Crist… Read More »

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How Property Is Divided in a Divorce

By DeVoe Law Firm |

When a couple decides to get a divorce, they must also decide how they are going to split the property they once shared. This can be difficult because after working so hard to acquire these things together, they must be divided or even given away. If you’re in the middle of a divorce and… Read More »

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Are Cars Part of the Property Split in Divorce?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

When it comes to dividing property, the rule in Florida is to be as even as possible. Once all separate property items (gifts, inheritances, and most possessions owned before the marriage) are taken out of the equation, whatever remains (community property) will be divvied up fairly and usually equally. There’s a bit of wiggle… Read More »

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Florida No-Fault Divorce: Any Exceptions?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Florida is a no fault divorce state, meaning that either party can seek a divorce without having to prove any reason or fault in the marriage other than the fact that the spouses don’t want to be married anymore. This rule relieves the court from having to decide whose fault the broken marriage is… Read More »

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Key Benefits of Prenups & Postnups

By DeVoe Law Firm |

People most often make prenuptial and postnuptial agreements so that in the event that they do need a divorce, it takes the confusion and retaliation out of the process. Divorces are stressful and sometimes messy, so having a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement will take away a lot of the drama that comes with divorce…. Read More »

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Modifying Time-Sharing in Florida

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Divorce is toughest on the children. They are forced to adapt to a new schedule of being shuttled back and forth and usually end up living in two different homes. With all of this change, it’s important for your child’s life to have as much stability as possible. That’s why modifying a time sharing… Read More »

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Legal Process of Divorce in Florida

By DeVoe Law Firm |

The state of Florida attempts to make the divorce process as simple and as stress free as possible. Divorce is never easy, so it is important to understand the entire process before you go through it. This article will take you through the steps that should be completed during the process of a divorce. It… Read More »

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What Determines Father’s Visitation?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Divorce can be a trying time on families. Having to divide custody in a way that everyone agrees on can be difficult and may not always result in the best outcome. So how do you define your rights to custody and visitation as a father? In the state of Florida there’s several ways to… Read More »

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Who Claims Dependent with Equal Time Sharing?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Sharing custody of a child often leads divorced parents to wonder which parent gets to claim their child on their taxes. Luckily there are federal laws in place that make determining which parent gets a tax break much easier. How a dependence tax deduction is determined Even when parents have shared custody, it rarely… Read More »

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Simplified Dissolution of Marriage in Florida

By DeVoe Law Firm |

When marriages don’t work out, there are a few different ways to end the marriage: annulment, divorce, and simplified dissolution of a marriage, are some of the ways. Many people don’t quite know what a simplified dissolution of a marriage is. In short, a simplified dissolution of marriage is quicker and generally pre-agreed upon… Read More »

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