Divorce Mediation vs Litigation in Florida
For most people, divorce is a four-letter-word. Hearing it brings to mind mental images of arguments at an attorney’s office, fights over property division, and battles in front of a judge for child custody.
The truth, however, is that divorces do not have to turn out that way, and in fact, it is better for everyone involved if they don’t. The alternative to the aforementioned contentious divorce is called a collaborative divorce, and it is as simple as it sounds: Both parties work together towards a mutually-beneficial divorce filing.
The reality of making it work can naturally be tricky, as emotions and tempers are often high during divorces, but the simple fact that collaborative divorces have been sweeping the nation should be some proof as to their effectiveness.
Assuming that the couple is able to work together and compromise, the benefits of a collaborative divorce are numerous:
- They, on average, tend to be cheaper,
- they take far less time,
- all of the agreements and arguing takes place outside of the courtroom,
- you get a say in how every individual thing turns out,
- the rest of the family can avoid getting dragged into a messy feud,
- and more.
Having to file for a divorce can be a very sad experience, but with a collaborative divorce, you do not have to dread the process or be afraid about what will happen with your things. As long as you are flexible in your demands and are willing to compromise on certain things for the sake of your soon-to-be ex, you will be able to work towards the best possible outcome.
Don’t leave important decisions in the hands of a judge who only has time to see the bottom line; get in there and help make the decision yourself!
If you are interested in a collaborative divorce, or are in need of any other family law help, do not hesitate to get in touch with a skilled attorney today. They will be able to answer any of your questions, and get you pointed in the right direction.
Source: https://www.cbs12.com/news/top-stories/stories/vid_25596.shtml