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Category Archives: Alimony

Reducing Agreed Child Support vs Alimony

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Court Rejects “Heavier” Burden of Proof for Downward Modification of Agreed Child Support In Mannella, the Sixth District Court of Appeals recently departed from Florida’s five other appellate courts by declining to hold child support obligors to a heavier burden of proof when seeking downward modification of agreed-upon child support. [1] Downward modification of… Read More »

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Which Costs More: Alimony or Child Support?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

In Florida, the cost difference between child support and alimony (spousal support) depends on parent incomes, parenting time, and the financial needs of the parents and their children. — Child Support in Florida Purpose: Provides for the child’s needs, including food, housing, clothing, healthcare, education, and extracurricular activities. Calculation: Florida uses a formula outlined… Read More »

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Evidence in Divorce & Fathers’ Rights

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Evidence in a family law case refers to the information, documents, or testimony presented to the court to support or refute claims made by the parties involved. This evidence helps the judge make decisions on issues such as timesharing and visitation, custody, alimony, child support, property division, or other family law matters. Common types… Read More »

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Who Claims a Child After Divorce?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Sharing custody of a child often leads divorced parents to wonder which parent gets to claim their child on their taxes. Luckily there are federal laws in place that make determining which parent gets a tax break much easier. How a dependence tax deduction is determined Even when parents have shared custody, it rarely… Read More »

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What Affects Child Custody Decisions?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Going through a divorce is never easy. It’s a time of arguing and disagreements, and it’s even worse when kids are involved. When you and your spouse can’t come to an agreement on child custody, a judge will step in and make the decision for you. A judge will make his or her decision… Read More »

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How Property Is Divided in a Divorce

By DeVoe Law Firm |

When a couple decides to get a divorce, they must also decide how they are going to split the property they once shared. This can be difficult because after working so hard to acquire these things together, they must be divided or even given away. If you’re in the middle of a divorce and… Read More »

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Can a Husband Receive Alimony?

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Today it’s not uncommon for women to make more than men in marriages. Alimony is always determined based on how much money each spouse makes, so when the wife makes more than the husband it is likely that she will be making the payments. This article discusses the factors that go into awarding alimony… Read More »

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Factors Judges Weigh for Alimony

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Alimony, or spousal support, is an aspect of law dealing with preventing unfair economic effects following a Florida divorce. Essentially, it prevents individuals who have lived a certain way for years during a marriage (or who gave up a career for the purposes of child-rearing) from being left high-and-dry with limited income and overwhelming… Read More »

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Lawmakers Push Another Alimony Overhaul

By DeVoe Law Firm |

Florida lawmakers are, again, trying to push a bill past Governor Rick Scott that will overhaul the current child support standards. This is the second time the lawmakers are trying to get Governor Rick Scott to approve this alimony bill. Changing How Time-Sharing in Florida is Determined The new bill includes a large section… Read More »

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Splitting Property in a Florida Divorce

By DeVoe Law Firm |

There is no federal regulation on property division in a divorce, and whenever legislation is up to individual states, it can be hard to know the legal details about a topic. In this article we will go over how divorce property can be divided in the state of Florida. Florida law states that the… Read More »

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