Traffic & DUI Attorney in Orlando, FL
Traffic law includes cases involving both civil and criminal traffic tickets. These cases can have big consequences. Civil traffic tickets can cause your insurance rates to skyrocket and can result in the suspension of your license. Criminal traffic tickets can be misdemeanors or felonies and can be punishable by incarceration. Civil Traffic Tickets. Speeding tickets, toll running tickets, red light camera tickets, failure to obey traffic control device, and other civil tickets. Challenge points, classes, and fines. Get help reinstating a suspended license, even when due to points from old tickets.
Civil Traffic Tickets. Speeding tickets, toll running tickets, red light camera tickets, failure to obey traffic control device, and other civil tickets. Challenge points, classes, and fines. Get help reinstating a suspended license, even when due to points from old tickets.
Suspended Driver’s Licenses. Reinstate a suspended driver’s license. Restore your driving privilege. Challenge a ticket for driving while license suspended.
Criminal Traffic Tickets. Fight your criminal traffic ticket. Know your rights and learn about your options. Get help with obtaining and submitting evidence for consideration by the Court.
Driving Under the Influence. Fight the State’s allegation that you were driving under the influence. Challenge administrative driver’s license suspensions by the DHSMV.
Florida DUI Law. Learn about Florida’s DUI laws.
Juvenile Traffic Tickets. Protect your minor child’s driving record. Avoid a criminal record that your child will have to disclose to schools and employers.
Probation Violations. Challenge the State to prove an alleged probation violation. Plan a strategy for the best possible resolution in your case. Engage in plea offer negotiation where appropriate.
Seal & Expunge Record. Verify your eligibility to seal or expunge your records relating to a criminal traffic ticket. Get judicial approval to legally deny a criminal traffic ticket.