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Orlando Speeding & Traffic Ticket Tips

This just in, Shoppers!

This coming Friday and Saturday (April 17th and 18th) the Orange County Clerk of Courts will be hosting an initiative called Operation Green Light. During this initiative, individuals with overdue traffic tickets or criminal fines can pay their fines and fees in full and save the 40 percent collection agency surcharge.

This is a big deal. If you have ever had large fines and costs assessed by the Clerk for an unpaid traffic ticket, you know it can be almost impossible to pay down your balance. After the Clerk of Court forwards your balance, the collection agencies assess extravagant and onerous fees and interest. Apparently under the agreement between the Clerk and these collection agencies, there is little that the Clerk can do to waive the fees and interest that the collection agencies charge you.

The downtown courthouse will be open on Saturday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Individuals entering the building will be screened and off-duty deputies have been hired. Certain outlying courthouses will also be open and processing payments to help you get back on the road.

By the way, if your license is suspended, you may want to have a friend drive you. Your license isn’t valid again until it is reinstated by the DMV.

Click here for additional information from the Orlando Clerk of Court: Orlando Speeding and Traffic Ticket Discount Days

Call DeVoe Law Firm at 407-284-1620 if you need help with your speeding or traffic ticket in Orlando, Kissimmee, or Seminole County.

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