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Pay Child Support at a Gas Station?

I would be willing to bet that if you asked what people thought of the word child support, most of them would see it in a negative connotation. Maybe not overly so, but definitely with an air of negativity around it.

Most of the time when you hear about child support, it’s at the heart of a bitter court battle, as a plotline for a character in a movie to overcome, or in the context of a so-called “deadbeat dad” being arrested. The media, which is not shy at all about its love for negativity and fear, seems to love the drama that comes from the usual child support story.

However, child support at its heart is one of the best things a divorcing couple can get set up. Granted there are certain situations where the custody-winning parent does not need the additional money, but the 50/50 costs of raising a child do not stop once a divorce is filed. School supplies will need to be paid for, medical bills will come up, there will be summer camps, music lessons, sports equipment, etc.

Raising a child is far from cheap, but as the child was conceived together and at least partially raised together, it’s not outside the realm of plausibility for responsible, involved parents to carry the financial burden together.

If you are involved with your ex-spouse in raising your child, and you do have child support payments, there’s some good news that may make things a bit easier on you. Popular money-sending services are now starting to formally handle child support payments. MoneyGram and PayNearMe are the 2 latest ones to add the service, and they have already reported rousing success.

Any step towards making the process easier and more palatable for everyone involved is a good thing. That was the whole idea behind the electronic payment service, according to California Department of Child Support Services agency director Alisha Griffith. She said “supporting their children is the responsibility of every parent. Making it easier and more convenient for parents is our responsibility.” They certainly seem to be taking steps in that direction, and citizens seem to be responding. Keep your eyes peeled; this could save you some time too.


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