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Choosing an Aggressive Custody Lawyer

Legal battles over children are never easy. Acting in the best interest of the child is always the first priority. But how do you decide if you need an aggressive custody lawyer? The answer usually lies in your situation and can usually be answered easily. But there are a few things you should consider when choosing a custody lawyer.

Choosing the best child custody lawyer

It’s obvious to say that you probably don’t want a timid child custody lawyer, but you also don’t want a bad aggressive lawyer. Below are the best qualities to look for when choosing a custody lawyer:

  • Choose a lawyer with plenty of experience in handling high-conflict divorce and child custody cases
  • Choose a lawyer who is well versed in personality disorders and their role in contentious litigation
  • Choose a lawyer that can clearly demonstrate what’s at stake for your family and child
  • Choose a lawyer that listens as much as they talk

Why is choosing an aggressive child custody lawyer the best solution?

court gavel

Photo by pixabay

It’s common for parents to waste money on attorneys who approach is too passive. Passive lawyers don’t ask the tough questions, don’t listen to their clients and are quick to suggest a settlement that is far below your expectations. They basically don’t try hard enough to get what you are expecting out of them.

A lawyer on the aggressive side is more likely to work hard to get the result you are looking for. It’s always smart to google attorneys before hiring them. You should also ask for client referrals. Child custody attorneys can usually be pretty costly, especially when you hire an experienced one. Be sure you are hiring someone who will get results that are in the best interest of your family. Call us today for a consultation.

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