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Where to Find Florida DCF Records

DCF child abuse records are confidential and exempt from public records requests, except as provided by statute. Florida Statute §39.202, allows the person having legal custody of the child (or the young adult who was in DCF’s custody) to obtain DCF records.

Florida Statute §39.202(7)(a) generally requires DCF to keep records of its cases until the child who is the subject of the record is 30 years of age.  You can submit a request for investigation records at: Public Records Center (

Do not create your account anonymously. You must provide your contact information along with your identification before the DCF records can be released so that DCF can verify you are entitled to receive the records under governing law.

For case manager records, send a written request directed to the following address:

CBC of Central Florida
Attn. Records Custodian
4001 Pelee Street, Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32817

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